I'm sitting here trying to wrap my head around the fact that A)
summer is over, B) my oldest is in third grade, C) THIRD GRADE... And yes, I
got stuck on B. My oldest, beautiful, kind hearted, spirited daughter has
somehow entered her last of the early childhood school years. It seems to have
passed in the blink of an eye and I just can't believe it. As I hold on to each
hug just a bit longer than I have before, listen more intently and savor each
chance I have for one on one time, I am painfully aware that these moments will
be few and far between in the coming years, I am reminded of a note my mom
wrote to me when I started first grade. She gave it to me when I graduated.
Here is my own version, personal- yes, long- absolutley but I know almost all
mother's sending their babies off to third grade can relate...
My darling Maddie,
I can't believe you're in THIRD GRADE! These first few days of school are so exciting and I know how much you love school. I remember your first day of Kindergarten like it was just yesterday. I lingered in the parking lot talking with other mom's for quite some time before I felt ready to let you go. I watched you, my social butterfly soar when you met so many new friends. You quickly latched on to one little girl, and you went off to climb the dome climber with her. I watched you become BFF's with her and not even look back at me. It was bittersweet, I knew it was time for you to start school, (you knew everything and more that you needed to know in order to enter kindergarten-passed all the tests!) but I wasn't sure I was ready to give up our days together. When I watched you introduce yourself to your new friends and your wonderful teacher, I realized you were more than ready and I had to let you fly.
That first school year was over just as soon as it began, then first grade and second passed even more quickly. You made new friends and excelled in everything. You were amazing to watch... Dad and I couldn't believe we helped form such a beautiful little girl!
The summer of second grade felt as if it was only two weeks long! We had a great summer! When it came time to go to open house and meet your teacher, I felt excited and nervous like it was your first day of kindergarten all over again. You were so excited to see your friends again and meet your teacher. We laughed and joked, met everyone and saw your past teachers. We left the school after packing away your supplies in your desk. It felt just like any other year after we left... Then came the first day.
I helped you get ready, did your hair and helped choose your outfit. Dropped you off and gave you a kiss. You bounced off into the school and I drove off to work. I sat at my desk and looked at your first day photo. You have grown up so much in the past three years, it's unbelievable! Just over the last year even. You're maturing and changing...it's all exciting and very scary at the same time. I listen to you with your friends (and not so friends already...) and I hear this intelligent, kind yet opinionated young woman's voice. I see a child - er...young woman who is kind to everyone, even those who hurt her. I want to scold the mean girl who tells you that you can't play with her. I want to step in to help you avoid any ounce of heart ache... I want to shelter you from any pain. I have been able to do just that for the past few years, but I know now that I can't... Nor should I. I know you have all you need to solve your problems and face the world! I see all of this and more in you... I see a bubbly, silly girl who is exceptionally beautiful. I couldn't be more proud of you.
I want you to know that growing up is not easy. Being a tween is difficult, confusing and can seem like a roller coaster. But your Daddy and I are here for you no matter what ups and downs come your way. We are your biggest supporters and we are always on your side. We will stand up for you, stand beside you, protect you and love you with every ounce of our beings. You are and always will be that beautiful tiny bundle that made us a family and don't you ever forget it!
I love you my angel,
Mommy (Daddy too!)
My darling Maddie,
I can't believe you're in THIRD GRADE! These first few days of school are so exciting and I know how much you love school. I remember your first day of Kindergarten like it was just yesterday. I lingered in the parking lot talking with other mom's for quite some time before I felt ready to let you go. I watched you, my social butterfly soar when you met so many new friends. You quickly latched on to one little girl, and you went off to climb the dome climber with her. I watched you become BFF's with her and not even look back at me. It was bittersweet, I knew it was time for you to start school, (you knew everything and more that you needed to know in order to enter kindergarten-passed all the tests!) but I wasn't sure I was ready to give up our days together. When I watched you introduce yourself to your new friends and your wonderful teacher, I realized you were more than ready and I had to let you fly.
That first school year was over just as soon as it began, then first grade and second passed even more quickly. You made new friends and excelled in everything. You were amazing to watch... Dad and I couldn't believe we helped form such a beautiful little girl!
The summer of second grade felt as if it was only two weeks long! We had a great summer! When it came time to go to open house and meet your teacher, I felt excited and nervous like it was your first day of kindergarten all over again. You were so excited to see your friends again and meet your teacher. We laughed and joked, met everyone and saw your past teachers. We left the school after packing away your supplies in your desk. It felt just like any other year after we left... Then came the first day.
I helped you get ready, did your hair and helped choose your outfit. Dropped you off and gave you a kiss. You bounced off into the school and I drove off to work. I sat at my desk and looked at your first day photo. You have grown up so much in the past three years, it's unbelievable! Just over the last year even. You're maturing and changing...it's all exciting and very scary at the same time. I listen to you with your friends (and not so friends already...) and I hear this intelligent, kind yet opinionated young woman's voice. I see a child - er...young woman who is kind to everyone, even those who hurt her. I want to scold the mean girl who tells you that you can't play with her. I want to step in to help you avoid any ounce of heart ache... I want to shelter you from any pain. I have been able to do just that for the past few years, but I know now that I can't... Nor should I. I know you have all you need to solve your problems and face the world! I see all of this and more in you... I see a bubbly, silly girl who is exceptionally beautiful. I couldn't be more proud of you.
I want you to know that growing up is not easy. Being a tween is difficult, confusing and can seem like a roller coaster. But your Daddy and I are here for you no matter what ups and downs come your way. We are your biggest supporters and we are always on your side. We will stand up for you, stand beside you, protect you and love you with every ounce of our beings. You are and always will be that beautiful tiny bundle that made us a family and don't you ever forget it!
I love you my angel,
Mommy (Daddy too!)
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